Fuse HVAC & Appliance Repair Portland, OR

What Does a Spring HVAC Maintenance Checklist Contain

2023-01-18 23:00
It's time to start planning for HVAC repair in the spring. The majority of people view spring cleaning as an opportunity to get rid of the unnecessary items you've gathered over the winter, clear the cobwebs, and eventually get rid of something like the dust bunnies hiding beneath the sofa. It's also time to begin planning some other tasks that are essential components of your spring prep work, like the need to perform some HVAC maintenance to ensure that your air conditioning and heating systems are functioning properly and effectively for the upcoming warmer summer months and the chilly spring days. Continue reading to know more about the essential maintenance of your HVAC system:

What does a spring HVAC service include?

HVAC Services

Your HVAC system will function properly and effectively when you need it the most if you adhere to a regular maintenance schedule. When you have to heat or cool your house, it is not a wonderful sensation to discover that your system is not functioning properly. These problems can frequently be found during a regular maintenance inspection before they turn into more serious ones. You don't know what an HVAC regular maintenance visit includes.

Here are the services rendered as well as some information on the significance of the task at hand:

● To ensure the indoor HVAC system is operating well and lowering your utility costs, wipe and lubricate its coils and blower fans.
● To make sure your air conditioner is producing chilly air, check the levels of refrigerant. The specialist may suspect a system leak if they observe the level is low.
● Replacing the air filter in the springtime will improve the performance of your HVAC system and reduce dust and allergies in your home.
● Fix electrical connections and check the fan motor and rotors for damage and wear.
● Check that all HVAC systems (heating and cooling) are operating properly to ensure that everything is ready to go for the forthcoming season.
● Wipe out the outdoor unit to get rid of any debris that may have accumulated throughout the winter, such as leaves, twigs, dirt, grass, etc.
● To make sure your house is heating and cooling to the appropriate temperature, test the thermometer for correct operation, level it, and calibrate it.
● On the bottom of the cabinet, the majority of air conditioners feature a drainage hole. To ensure the optimum operation of the air conditioner, this opening must be kept free. While flushing and treating the condensate drain, the expert will clear any obstructions discovered during the examination.
● Look over the ductwork to look for leaks.


Ideally, you should inspect your heating and cooling systems before the start of a new season. By doing regular routine maintenance, you can make sure that your unit is in good shape and prepared to heat or cool your house for the upcoming season. Maintaining this crucial area of your home will assist you in saving money and give you peace of mind that your family will be pleasant no matter what the weather throws at them.